Monday, August 8, 2011

Monday, Monday!

"Clean the slate God,so I can start the day fresh! Keep me from stupid sins & thinking I can take over your work" Ps19:13 (Rick Warren)

Happy Monday! It sure was a happy Monday. You know why? Because I started my day off with the verse listed above. It's all about your attitude. It truly is. I plan to start every day with this verse. =]

Weekend Re-cap ...

This past Saturday Dustin and I took a 9 hour birthing class. Yep, you read right ... 9 whole hours. He was really dreading it. To our surprise, it was an awesome class! The instructor was H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S! She reminded me of Carol Burnett. It was awesome. We both learned so much and even learned how to swaddle a baby {I'm really excited about doing that to Preston, they look so cute}. 

Sunday we bought Preston's crib and a dresser. For the price we would have paid for just the crib at Pottery Barn Kids we were able to buy an additional piece! We are all about good deals and we love to see money go a LOONGG way! Pictures to come! Next, we went to Lowe's and picked out paint swatches for his room. We plan to leave the majority of the room color as is and add an accent wall. We are both getting so excited about all the upcoming baby projects! I'm really enjoying seeing my hubby "nesting". He is going to be such a wonderful dad. I can't wait. 

Hope you lovely readers had a wonderful weekend too! 

Friday, August 5, 2011

Week re-cap and Foodie Friday Link up!

TGIF has a whole new meaning to me now that I work an 8-5 job. Don't get me wrong, I'm very thankful for my job but I am even MORE thankful for my weekends with my husband. It's such a nice mental break from the hustle and bustle of work life.

So here's a re-cap ... I'm 21 weeks pregnant this week (about to be 22 this weekend), Preston is moving around like crazy in my belly. It's such a cool feeling. It'll actually startle me at times. I'm noticing that he's pretty active in the evening when I lay down in bed.

I have several family & friends that are organizing baby showers. My first one is late next month, I can't hardly wait.

We are going to order Preston's crib this weekend from Pottery Barn Kids, Catalina Fixed Gate 3-In-1 Crib (Thankful for my mom's gift to Preston)
We just LOVE this beautiful antique white look.

My mother-in-law makes this delicious salsa that I must share with you guys. It's so easy to make. Best of all you can top it on your chicken or even Tilapia! 

Corn & Black Bean Salsa 

2--15 oz cans black beans
1--17 oz can white corn
1/4 cup cilantro --chopped or snipped 
1--medium red onion --chopped
3--medium tomatoes --chopped
4 Tbs -- lime juice
1-2 Tbs -- Red Wine Vinegar
2 Tbs -- Olive Oil
1 Tsp -- salt & pepper

Rinse & drain black beans and corn, combine all ingredients and chill. Serve with tortilla chips.
